
138 Game Reviews

35 w/ Responses

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It's a very fun idle/clicker game! It reminds me a lot of Overlod which I also really enjoyed playing.

I love the music. Plus it's a fun little game. Didn't expect the ending though.

Fun meme game but the game really starts to lag at around 550 O's when it begins to register less and less clicks. The highest I got was 900-ish before I was generating less than one O per second despite clicking very fast.

Edit: Yeah, I have a pretty terrible laptop so that might be it.

ninjamuffin99 responds:

I'll have to look into that. It's a bit hard for me to optimize since I have a pretty decent CPU. Maybe a flash version will run alright lemme upload that

Fun game! I was unable to get the arrow key medal though.

A fun, simple game. It would be great if there were a free-play mode added though.

Artur-Felipe responds:

Thank you

Nice graphics and another fun game, but it draws a lot more memory compared to your other games, causing my laptop to lag. Also, slight problems with items. When I hover over them in my inventory or click them, the name doesn't always appear and when I wanted to give the cop the cup of coffee, I clicked the cup twice and it disappeared and the cop drove off.

Edit: I do really like the swiveling security cameras though, since they give off a nice touch of realism.

Phenomenal game with great music!

When I closed and reloaded the game, upon loading the game was stuck on the upgrade screen and unable to leave. Other that that, it's a really fun game. I'm playing in Chrome on Windows 10 64 bit.

Age 26, Male

Blood Drive Organize

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