
138 Game Reviews

35 w/ Responses

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Cute little game! I enjoyed the simple mechanics and the loop was pretty fun!

Holy cow! I love the game and the entire series! It's great to see this new installment!

This was a really fun game! The puzzles were interesting but not "Pull your hair out" difficult, the art style was great, and the music was fun! Well done and I look forward to your next project!

Love the sequel to the original game! It feels like it's primarily down to luck if you can get life on the larger stars. I got Type-2 (5/5) life on a planet with a Type A star (my final score was 180 points) but I didn't get the medal.

St4rryQueen responds:

For some, it seems to work, and for others, it doesn't. I don't really know what the underlying issue is at the moment.

Amazing game! I loved and didn't expect the "Where Are They Now?" style epilogue for each of the people you take!

I did get an error after the end of the epilogue:

"Runtime Error Line 83 Tab 6
Attempt to call global 'stars_fade' (a nil value)
In process_fade Line 83 (Tab 6)
In _update Line 35 (Tab 0)
At Line 0 (Tab 0)"

The error didn't impact my enjoyment of the game though. Overall, great job and good luck with Ludum Dare 54!

F1Krazy responds:

Thanks, the error's been noted and I've fixed it now.

Thanks! I hate it!

But in all seriousness, it's an incredibly frustrating game with a fun art style!

I'm so glad to see you back and I wishlisted the game on Steam! I love the remaster too!

It was a very fun game and I beat it in 2 minutes 17 seconds! Unfortunately, the medal wasn't awarded for some reason.

It's an interesting game, but I have a problem. I'm not sure if it's because I'm on a higher end computer but the speed seems to be REALY fast, especially for falling. It's making it that I hardly have any time to switch my fingers to the other wall for walljumping before I end up falling to the bottom.

kaiakairos responds:

the computer's speed has nothing to do with the fall speed, the player is just naturally weighty. You can hold a direction to hug the wall and slow the player's fall speed down

I can't seem to see whatever my planet's life status is, but it's a pretty fun game trying to keep the clock running as long as possible!

Edit: The issue with it going to far away planets was exactly what was happening! Thanks!

St4rryQueen responds:

Use A and D to move between them. If the issue persists, hit it a few more times, and it should come up. There are likely some far away planets it's going to.

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