
35 Game Reviews w/ Response

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My score didn't upload, so I didn't get the medal. I had 11282.

ninjamuffin99 responds:

i had it set so that if u reload the game, itd submit ur highest score to the scoreboard if you reload the page (probably works idk lol)

i should implement that with scores too

Merry Christmas everyone!

What did I just play. Did I just kill a colony?

Rarykos responds:

Yeah... Thanks tho!

I'm just getting a blank white screen. I'm trying to play in Google Chrome on a Windows x64 bit computer.

Edit: I have flash enabled.

yl222888 responds:

I will try to fix it later, sorry about the inconvenience.Also it runs with Adobe Flash if that helps
Edit: I do not know what is happening, it works on my computer though

Sometimes when I press Tab or the arrows, it doesn't stay focused on the game and instead operates like hitting Tab normally or scrolls the screen. Also, once this happens, the character won't move anymore and the game becomes unplayable

jacklehamster responds:

Sorry for the bug. Which browser do you use? please DM me

The game looks fun, but sometimes the controls don't respond, causing me to die.

Viseper responds:

Note: Gravity can only be changed every so often. You've just got to get the feel of it, otherwise it'll too easy. Also no indicator is because it's designed to add a bit of uncertainty.

Great game! Intially, I didn't know if I would like a combination of Tetris and jigsaws, but this was excellently put together and a lot of fun!

R1N0Corp responds:

Thanks for playing, glad you like it!

Extremely fun game so far! I enjoyed the complexity of the puzzles, although the King of Pain one is a bit hard and absolutely agree with Tainted-Trixter that the inventory needs to be re-examinable. The story is definitely one of the best parts about this game and I look forward to see how it grows in the any possible expansion. Overall, it is very fun and challenging.

KnoseDoge responds:

thank you! i am working on a simple but effective fix for the inventory

Love the game. The only things that I haven't been able to figure out are the secret medals and the Dorf medal. Other than that, great game as always!

Edit: Thanks for the hint on the Dorf one, turned out that I was pretty close to getting it. Onto the Secrets!

Yomuchan responds:

Hint: Dorfs are great at chugging booze.

Fun meme game but the game really starts to lag at around 550 O's when it begins to register less and less clicks. The highest I got was 900-ish before I was generating less than one O per second despite clicking very fast.

Edit: Yeah, I have a pretty terrible laptop so that might be it.

ninjamuffin99 responds:

I'll have to look into that. It's a bit hard for me to optimize since I have a pretty decent CPU. Maybe a flash version will run alright lemme upload that

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